Movement is important!

Movement is important for various reasons, as supported by the following search results:

1. Movement gives us healthy joints, strong bones, physical strength, good circulation, coordination, reflex reactivity, improved learning skills, concentration, and mental well-being. Without movement, we would deteriorate. Excessive sitting is associated with 35 diseases and conditions such as back pain, obesity, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, cancer, and depression.

2. Building a foundation of movement is essential for our well-being. Our lifestyles cause us to sit down much more than move around, which can lead to various health issues. Movement can assist in better sleep, resolving sources of pain, increasing independence, improving mood, and reducing stress.

3. Movement is a fundamental aspect of life that affects everything from circulation to digestion to metabolism to immunity. The body contributes far more to our lives than just physical attributes such as strength and endurance – it plays a major role in emotions, learning, and relationships. Participating in physical activity can help incorporate more movement into our daily routine and improve health and overall well-being.

4. Health gets better with movement, productivity gets better, and people enjoy their jobs and lives more. Movement is essential for our bodies to run, jump, and manipulate objects, among other miracles of locomotion. Incorporating movement into our day can be as simple as using a standing desk, taking a walk over lunch, walking during phone or conference calls, parking far from store entrances, and using the stairs[.

5. Movement is primarily controlled by muscles, and poor and imprecise muscle movement can result in dysfunction, abnormalities, and pain. Seeking professional movement assistance, such as physiotherapy, can benefit arthritis, ligament sprains, muscle sprain, post-surgical rehabilitation, and any physical concerns. Physiotherapists can assist in achieving optimum functional movement while assessing baseline movement ability.

6. The way we move, including walking, standing, and bending, can affect our future mobility and overall health. Scientists are studying the mechanical movements of our bodies to help us be as strong, flexible, and mobile as possible throughout our lives. Muscle strengthening and proper joint alignment are important for anyone who wants to stay flexible and mobile.

In summary, movement is important for maintaining physical health, mental well-being, productivity, and overall quality of life. Incorporating movement into our daily routine can be as simple as taking a walk, using a standing desk, or parking far from store entrances. Seeking professional movement assistance, such as physiotherapy, can also benefit physical concerns.


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