Performance EDU Welcomes.....Our New APP

Performance EDU has been waiting quite some time to team up with an app company and the wait has finally ended. Please let me introduce TRUE Coach. True Coach was designed and built for the personal trainer, with the client and athlete in mind. But lets get to the real question, what was Performance EDU looking for in an app and did True Coach hit all the check marks? Yes!

Here are a couple bullets the app offers the members:

  • Ability to create a workout builder

  • Ability to import our Exercise library from Youtube into the app

  • Real time messaging with our clients and members

  • Email notifications with your programs the night before

  • Progress tracking

  • Nutrition Tracking

  • Team Accounts

  • And much much more….


IGLive-Jessie Hilgenberg and Marc Digesti


Watch and Learn-Well, lets feel better