What are some basic HIIT Exercises?

Here are some common HIIT exercises for your at-home workout!

  1. Thrusters

  2. Box Jumps

  3. Pushups

  4. Mountain Climbers

  5. Dumbbell Bent Over Rows

  6. Rowing Machine

  7. Jump Squats

  8. Ball Slams

  9. Burpees

  10. Kettlebell Swings

  11. Squat Jumps

  12. Plank Jacks

  13. Russian Twists

  14. Jumping Jacks

  15. Clean and Press

  16. Deadlift and Row

  17. Med Ball Slams

  18. Hand-Release Push-Ups

  19. Plyo Push-Ups

  20. Single-Leg Burpees

These exercises can be done with bodyweight movements, weights, or cardio equipment, making them a versatile workout option. HIIT workouts can take many forms and are often thought of as the opposite to steady-state workouts. HIIT workouts are a great way to challenge yourself and shake up your routine in the gym with plenty of serious benefits, the most obvious being time. The fast and intensive nature of HIIT workouts means you’re usually able to get your heart rate up quicker, your muscles working faster, and burn more calories in a significantly shorter amount of time.


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